Festival Films A-Z

My Dear Muslim


time prints
Michael Truckenbrodt
Karlsgartenstraße 21
12049 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 62 72 13 78
E-Mail: info@timeprints.com


Alicja Pahl


Kerstin Nickig, Cecylja Pacura

(Lieber Muslim...)
D 2005, Regie: Kerstin Nickig, OmU, 36 min.


Lieber Muslim...Sacita fled the terror of the Chechen War with her husband Said-Selim and their son Muslim. With no idea of the future, they live in the Polish refugee home Zajazd Zacisze and wait for their application for asylum to be approved. Shocking visual material of the war and Sacita and Said-Selim's painful memories paint a portrait of a family and its personal story of war. The documentary also depicts the difficult situation countless Chechen refugees have to suffer in Poland.

Sacita Chumaidova's fictional diary begins with "Dear Muslim" -- she is writing it to her son, so that one day he can understand why his parents fled the Chechen War. The whole family lives in the Zajazd Zacisze refugee home in the small town of Lomza in eastern Poland, waiting for the approval of their application for asylum. For Sacita, there is no present and she has no plans for the future. In Poland, she is living both her past and future through her memories of the Chechen War. The war between the autonomous Chechen Republic and the Russian Federation first raged between 1994 and 1996, and then started again in 1999.

Using a video camera, Sacita and Said-Selim documented the nightmare of this war for eleven years. Shocking visual material of the war and Sacita and Said-Selim's painful memories paint a portrait of a family and its personal story of war. The documentary also depicts the difficult situation countless Chechen refugees have to suffer in Poland.


Lieber Muslim... (2005), Ein neues Land (2004)


Lieber Muslim... (2005), Ein neues Land (2004)

